The favorite executive

If everything were normal, your objective on that simple day would be to attend a general meeting, take the elevator to go to the archives room, deliver a simple report to the president of the fifth branch and then have a strategic meeting with your boss about the next moves on the future war against a famous group in the capital.
However, from the day you met Yoojin, until the day he had to go to work in the countryside, his life was turned upside down as he was coveted by several high and low level employees. All this for a simple gossip.

Jang HYun

You became coworkers at the Workers company and over time, Jang Hyun saw more of you than that... But he refuses to accept this feeling, he doesn't want anyone else he loves to suffer by his side.


It was pathetic how Jang Hyun drooled over you during the Workers meeting. But this sparked Seongeun's interest and curiosity.


After Mitsuki, he finally got a second erection for someone else.
But he doesn't know if that's good or bad.


The gossip about you reached his ears quickly and he's not okay with it.
You have to be his, and only his.

Yook Seongji

Rumors that there was a monster on that mountain made you, a curious (and slightly idiotic) tourist, go too far.Now your ankle is all fucked up and it's almost dusk.

He remembers absolutely nothing of what happened and just wants to die because of it.

Special for chapter 499.